; ************************* OEd Menu Layout: ************************* ; ; There be an arbitrary number of menu strips. Each must be introduced ; by an statement of the form ; ; MENU ; ; The following lines specify the menu's items. An item may be a seperator ; line or a selectable menu item. Seperator lines are defined by ; ; SEPARATOR ; ; Selectable items are created with a statement like ; ; ITEM ; ; where is the name of the item and is an OEd command ; specifying the action a selection of the item should cause. ; ; Subitems are currently not supported. ; ; Menu Shortcuts are not defined here. The file Oberon:OEd_Keys.txt is used ; for this. ; ; IMPORTANT NOTES: ; ; OEd does not check if your menu fits on the screen. So if one of your ; menus is too big and you're not using AmigaOS 2.0 your machine may ; crash. ; ; The lines of this text mustn't be longer that 256 characters. ; MENU "Project" ITEM "Load..." (load) ITEM "New Window..." (newwindow) ITEM "Save" (save) ITEM "Save as..." (saveas) ITEM "Save Block..." (bsave) ITEM "Insert File..." (insfile) SEPARATOR ITEM "Print" (print) ITEM "Print Block" (printblock) ITEM "Print As..." (printas) ITEM "Print Block As..." (printblkas) SEPARATOR ITEM "Hide" (hide) ITEM "Reveal..." (reveal) SEPARATOR ITEM "Screen Mode..." (screenmode) SEPARATOR ITEM "Quit" (quit) ITEM "About..." (about) MENU "Search" ITEM "Find..." (find) ITEM "Next" (next) ITEM "Previous" (prev) SEPARATOR ITEM "Find-Replace..." (findrep) ITEM "Next-Replace" (nextrep) ITEM "Previous-Replace" (prevrep) SEPARATOR ITEM "Find Word" (execrexx (options results; getword; findstr result; next)) SEPARATOR ITEM "Case sensitive" (casesens) ITEM "Word by Word" (wordbyword) MENU "Block" ITEM "Begin" (bbegin) ITEM "End" (bend) ITEM "Mark All" (markall) ITEM "Copy Block" (bcopy) ITEM "Move" (bmove) ITEM "Delete" (bdelete) SEPARATOR ITEM "Cut" (cut) ITEM "Copy" (copy) ITEM "Paste" (paste) SEPARATOR ITEM "TAB right" (btabright) ITEM "TAB left " (btableft) SEPARATOR ITEM "Unmark" (bunmark) MENU "Special" ITEM "Enter Rexx Cmd..." (enterrexx) ITEM "Execute Rexx Cmd" (execrexx) ITEM "Stop Rexx (HI)" (stoprexx) SEPARATOR ITEM "Goto Line..." (gotoy) ITEM "Goto Last Change" (gotolastch) SEPARATOR ITEM "Matching Bracket" (mbracket) ITEM "Change Case" (changecase) SEPARATOR ITEM "Undo" (undo) ITEM "Redo" (redo) ITEM "Undo All" (undoall) ITEM "Redo All" (redoall) ITEM "Clear All Undos" (clearundos) SEPARATOR ITEM "Undelete Line" (undeline) MENU "Macros" ITEM "Start Learning" (startmacro (t:RexxMacro_F10.oed)) ITEM "Stop Learning" (stopmacro) ITEM "Play Macro" (rx (t:RexxMacro_F10.oed)) MENU "Oberon" ITEM "Parse" (parse) ITEM "Compile..." (compile) ITEM "Link..." (link) ITEM "Make..." (make) ITEM "Execute..." (execute) SEPARATOR ITEM "Compiler Options..." (coptions) SEPARATOR ITEM "Next Error" (nexterror) ITEM "First Error" (firsterror) ITEM "Reload Errorfile" (reloaderrs) MENU "Options" ITEM "StackChk" (stackchk) ITEM "OvflChk" (ovflchk) ITEM "RangeChk" (rangechk) ITEM "CaseChk" (casechk) ITEM "ReturnChk" (returnchk) ITEM "NilChk" (nilchk) ITEM "TypeChk" (typechk) ITEM "OddChk" (oddchk) ITEM "AutRegPars" (autoregpars) ITEM "Clear Vars" (clearvars) ITEM "New Symbolfile" (newsymfile) SEPARATOR ITEM "SmallCode" (smallcode) ITEM "SmallData" (smalldata) ITEM "Garbage-Collector" (garbagecollector) ITEM "Language Extensions" (extensions) SEPARATOR ITEM "Debug" (debug) SEPARATOR ITEM "68010" (mc68010) ITEM "68020" (mc68020) ITEM "68030" (mc68030) ITEM "68881/68882" (mc68881) MENU "Settings" ITEM "Insert" (insert) ITEM "Layout Mode" (layout) ITEM "Auto Uppercase" (autouc) SEPARATOR ITEM "Create Icons?" (icons) ITEM "Set Script Flag?" (script)